Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Snow Day

So the kids here in the Virginia Beach area have a "snow day" today...
There is no snow on the ground.
Do you see a PROBLEM there?! haha

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


I am driving myself caaa-razyyyy!! I've been on here for the past 2 hours SEARCHING for a bible college. I didnt think it would be this difficult! I gave myself till about September to move out,So im looking for colleges with on-campus living,unless something important would be asked to me within that time frame,then i would have to re-consider ;] .. ahhh! I know i dont HAVE to go to a bible college to get my education but i really,really want to. I found a nice one in Massachusetts! So im considering it!! I just gotta stop tryin to plan my future and just follow where ever god leads me.

All i have to say is....



Sunday, January 11, 2009

So a little updatee

 I got a car about 2 weeks ago! [: finallyy!!
 I had to get a new cell phone,due to the fact that i am driving around now.
 Life in Virginia Beach is going well.
 I start school in 2 days!!!!
 Tony and I are doing amazing. 
 I wont have a life come January 14th!! 

 oh joyyy [: !