Wednesday, September 17, 2008

oh meeeee


I'm leaving in 3.5 weeks...scary. Lately,everyday that i've been at work,i'll stop and think to myself HOW MUCH i am going to miss these people. (Yes,i complain about my job a lot,but who doesnt?) I've made some of the BEST of FRIENDS since i've lived here and i couldnt be more thankful. Sometimes,though,i ask myself why i'm even leaving,ya know? why leave this place where i am loved by so many people? And honestly,sometimes it seems stupid but i just have a feeling that i will never accomplish all the things i want to if i were to stay here. But who says i could never come back??! [: Packing has already begun in the apartment. Last Night,caitlin took off all our picture frames and such of the wall. Its so weird. ahh

Tony is coming down tonight .. i think he is trying to make it a surprise but sometimes,he's a bit TOO obvious [: .. its okay though. We are leaving Friday for VA Beach and coming back Tuesday. I'm goin to the college monday i believe to get everything situated with financial aid and what not. Please pray everything works out!!!! .. Tony will probably stay for a couple more days here in MD but then he's headin back up to VA to stay with my brother for 2-3 weeks before i get there!! This should be VERY interesting but im excited!!! [:


Friday, September 12, 2008


Happiest of  Birthdays Babyyyyyy
The BIG[!] 2-0 
i love youuu

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I think its really funny how some people will beg you to not think badly about them for DUMB things they did in the past,and hope that you will only remember the good times. Then they go and do stupid crap.. yeah "friends forever" .. i think not. I'm so happy that part of my life is gone. We all know IT was pretty much the main cause for all the crazyness this past year..sighhhh

other then that!! LIFES GREAT!! [:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

blessed <3

 So i started writing this Wed. but just now am able to finish it [: haha

I arrived home from VA Beach last night. It was definitely an experience this time around. We got there around 6PM friday night and pretty much hung out. Saturday,we all went to the Cantina,which is a something Jada's old neighbor started where he and his wife will bring their work truck full of hot and cold goods and they feed the homeless. It was definitely something i will never forget. There wasnt much of a crowd since it was Labor Day weekend and the cops were trying to push them all away from the ocean front because they all are looked at as complete scum. It was so upsetting. Some of them just got thier food and left,otheres stayed and talked. I will admit that at first i was a bit stand-off[ish] because i had never experienced anything like this but as i started serving them and listening to them from a distance,i became interested in what they had to say so eventually i joined Jada and began talking to them. All the stories i heard were very extreme. Some of them had been out on the streets for years,fighting everyday. I realized so much that day. I realized how truly,truly blessed i am to have what i do because most people,dont even come to close to having it.  I use to find myself complaining about the things i didn't have but since that day,i praise God for everything,especially the little things in life that he has given me. It was an experience that will stick with me forever.
Sunday Morning we went to church (which is the one thing i ALWAYS look forward to when we visit) and it was a great service. He was teaching us that we all have to get out there and serve the lord. For instance-Being a missionary-OH MY! i want to do it soooo bad!!! Vince was telling us about trips that will be happening in the future and i was totally left down when i realized that the meeting to join was this sunday after church and i wont be there :( BUT hopefully once I move they can squeeze me in ;] .. its something i've been very passionate about for the longest time and to have the chance to actually do it,will be a dream come true. [: 
Monday we went to Busch Gardens which let me tell you[!!!] it is AMAZING!!!! we had so much Fun.
Anyway- Update on school,i got accepted,wooo-hooo! lol i know i sound dorky because it is a community college and all,but its exciting! I can't wait to start!!! [: