Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas is coming!!!!!!! [:

It's November 18th and i'm gladly jammin'[?] to so some christmas music. (Relient K-Have yourself a Merry Christmas to be exact ;]) Ok,Ok so maybee i've actually been listening to Christmas Music since like August!! hehe i lurve it [:

So the Lord is doing some AMAZING things in Both Tony and I's life. This Past Sunday,We both got baptized. There was about 6 of us. Since Forefront does not have there own buiding,we typically meet up at the local High School's Auditorium but for baptism services we try to find a church that is open and willing to let us use their building for the night. We were not able to find a place this particular sunday. SOO!!! HEYY!! theres a guy with a really nice jacuzzi in the back of his house!! Yes,we all got baptized in a Jacuzzi in the back yard of a guys house. A lot of people are probably automatically judging that but honestly,it should not matter where or when it happens. Whats important is what it represents. So Stop judging the situation. Everyone who was being baptized had to meet in a little circle while they told us the "instructions",pretty much,what was going to happen. Then the part came where he told us to go up,tell everyone our name and why we were getting Baptized. FREAK TIME FOR KAYLA!!!! As most of you know,i am not the kind of person to get up in front of people that i barely know and actually speak! So i was a tid bit nervous. We got to choose who we waned to baptize us. Tony and i chose my brother,Kevin. DUH!!!!! We were the last ones up. To be specific, I was the last one up. I prayed the ENTIRE time before i went up there. I knew what i wanted to say,i just didnt want to say it to all these people. There was a lot of people!!!!! So Tony went up and i he spoke,then he took the plunge! I was teary eyed until he came from under the water and i realized he was wearing a WHITE SHIRT!! haha,so that was a nice laugh [: So I walk up there,almost fall getting into the jacuzzi ;] ahurr .. and everyone starts screaming SUNGLASSES!!!! Apparently i had sunglasses on my head. ooppss .. So everyone gets quiet and i'm like "ahhh!" (in my head) I started speaking and the only thing i really remember is saying my name. I cant remember the rest. So i took the plunge and as my brother lifted me back up,all i could hear was people clapping like crazy. It felt good. I jumped out ang Hugged my brother very tightly for about 10 seconds. It was AWESOMEE!!! .. It was so cold that night that steam was coming off everyone's body like we were just on fire. Haha. So everyone ran up to us,hugged us,and said congratulations. [: After the service we(Me,Tony,and our gel group) proceeded back to Katy's house for some football and Taco's [:

I am no longer living life on my own. I Am living it with God BUT most importantly,FOR GOD. I couldnt be happier!!!

I've realized recently that out of all the friends i had in Maryland,i only really speak to Caity,Nicole,Bryan and Nick(occasionally). I've tryed talking to everyone else but its like they've all just moved on because i moved. I'm sorry but just because someone moves away,it doesnt mean that the friendship is over.Then i started thinking that maybe they were just not true friends in the first place? I dont know. It was really hard for me to face. I have only been here about a month now and it happened so quickly. I miss them,i do but losing people is a part of life. I'm dealing with it. I'm Thankful for all the friends i have left though ;] i love you guyss!!! hehe. Tony and i have become really close with our gel group,and ive become closer with people at work. So in the end. Its all gooooood!!! [:

till next timee!

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