Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ohh Maryland [: ...

 Tony and I ( well mostly Tony) did a lot of driving last week. First we drove about 2.5-4  hours away WITH a full size bed,couch and boxes in the back of his truck to go pick up his sister. Twas an adventure ! I think we both had fun. deep down. [: .. Then we went to Maryland Last Wednesday night after school. Twas not fun,since he did not have heat in his truck the entire way there and we couldnt figure out what the problem was exactly  .. (yet).. So figuring his heat system was completely messed up we stop at the fruitland wal-mart and grab a blanket .. THEN i saw them,possibly the only wal-mart that i know of that is carrying PITTSBURGH STEELERS apparel !! (chyeahh my boys won da superbowll [: ) BUT of course Tony steered me away from them due to the fact that it was 12:30 in the morning .. so i turn into a 5 year old kid  and pout the entire rest of the way to Caitlin,Bryan and Nicoles Padd [: .. So we finally arrive and they were up waiting for us (along with Mr.Matthew! Whom,i absolutely adoree ! and never thought i'd see again! ) .. All of them looked extremely tired and i felt really bad for keeping them up so long! So Bryan goes to bed,we have a few laughs with matt,then Tony,Caitlin and I stay up till 3:30ish talking! Fun Stuff !! We wake up a few hours later,which was probably absolute hell for caitlin,since im pretty sure i threatened to punch her in the face and all ! [: haha Oh the things tony has to look forward to ;] .. Anywho- We get up,go over to Caity's mom's house and hang out for a couple hours. Got to spend time with Justin. He's grown up so much :( .. Here and There i would look around and just think of the times when i lived there..hmm..We eventually leave and go to Denny's for some breakfast! Yummmy! Then we went back to the house and hung out until Caity had to go to work,went to B&N,then met up with Danielle and Eric at Golden Corral. We seriously sat there for 2 hours and just talked&talked&talked. It was great. We have missed them so much. We found out that come this fall,they will be moving to PA and invited Tony and I to come along with them. It is something we are seriously thinking about. We have a lot of options right now as to what we could do but it doesnt really matter what we want to do,its all about what god wants in our lives,So we are patiently waiting for a change [: So we say our goodbyes and go back to the house to pack up most of my things that i had there. We say goodbye to everyone and hit the road,then this little message thingy comes up on tony's truck about his engine. it was  pretty much stating that the engine was too dang hot,so he realizes,OHHHH anti freeze! maybe?,so we stop at wal-mart and pick up some anti-freeze. He pops his head under the hood and pretty much there was NO,ZERO,ZIP,NOT EVEN A DROP of anti-freeze left..BAD!!! So he puts it all in and starts his truck and by the grace of god,his heat started working!! GO FIGURE!! LESSON LEARNED- AntiFreeze is important [:  .. Being in Maryland was so much fun,i really do miss it at times but its only a 2.5 hour drive! I should start making trips more often !!! chyeahh

Everything with school is going gets really stressful at times but we're gettin through it!!  Tony is still jobless,So please,please pray that he will get one soon!! [: 

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