Friday, March 20, 2009


I wrote this a long time ago...

i havent been a very nice girlfriend lately .. tonys still gone and sadly enough,ive been taking all of my frustration out on him during these wack weeks .. i havent even been able to recognize myself at all .. & its not like its his fault,honestly,he's trying his best to please everyone and here i am being "miss self-pity,wahhh,cryy,my life is falling apart!!!" .. when really,its not.. at all.. everything is fine. I've just been over-reacting about school,work and the homelife. I've been letting things get to me more than usual and i really couldnt pinpoint what was causing all of it .. I'm guessing that its this chantix medicine. I've been taking it for a few weeks now and its been working great. except for the occasional dizzy spells that led me to almost passing out at work tuesday. I usually dont get the side affects of any medicine i take but this actually did lead me into this really bad state of mind .. not fun for anyone,especially for my family and tony who had to deal with it .. Thank God they are forgiving people .. but i still feel like crap,especially when it comes to how im acting towards tony because he's dealing with so much crap and im not making it any better when i should. A lot of people see Tony and I's past relationships and think we're not gonna make it. I know for a fact there are people out there waiting for us to break up,but its not gonna happen. These past 7 months have not been easy,trust me,we would both admit that in a heart beat . Its been HARD and we have to work at it every single day,and some days we do want to give up. but we don't. why dont we? because we love each other and we know that our love is real and it can fight through anything. We've gone months w/o talking multiple times,i moved to a different state and our friendship pretty much ended,i even started dating someone else,but some how,it always came back down to me & him .. no matter the distance or circumstance. It started as a long distance relationship for the first 2 months,then God led us both to Virginia Beach,Where we've grown so much together. Our relationship with God could be a lot better but it has been a lot worse before. It is simply amazing how much both of our lives have changed. There's no trust issues,everything is out in the open,we're forgiving,and usually if we fight,it doesn't last very long and we listen to what the other person has to say. We're not perfect,and thats what i love about our relationship. We love e/o for everything we are and everything we're not. I've never had so much fun with someone,as i do with him. Most people wouldn't even recognize Tony if they were to see all the changes in him. I am SO proud to say that he is my boyfriend. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Its seriously sad,that it took me writing this blog,to remember all of that. I have the tendency to lose sight of things when i have a lot going on. I just hate that it was my most important relationship. Forgive me?

Number ONE forever&ever baby <3

pretty much

And there's just one last thing that I have to say
As we reflect on the mess of all of this I've made
It was cowardice that made me push you away
I was so afraid cause you were so much better than me
-relient k

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was sitting in school today going over exactly what i was going to write in this blog..mean,angry things that i would just vent out to the world and hopefully feel better. Today was not a good day. i almost got into an accident on my way to work(by like ONE inch seriously). almost passed out at work(pailness,cold sweating,the whole works) and had to deal with the typical,everyday crap .. not fun .. then i realized that i was not reacting in the way that i should have. I was being very angry and full of hate when really i should have been filled with love and forgiveness .. it been really hard for me to live by the fruit of the spirit because it can be so easy not to .. I just ask for prayer,seriously. I'm really struggling right now and i dont know what exactly is going on .. im really confused about a lot and dont know how to address it all to the right people .. I guess i just feel like IM in the wrong if i get upset over somebody else's actions or words when honestly they probably really offended me .. a lot of people just cant look over themselves to see that they might be really affecting other people .. its just really upsetting to have to deal with every single day and i dont know how much more i can take.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


 So a couple months ago i had this really bad cough that eventually went away!!! Until last week when it returned making me feel 10x worse than i had been .. I'm talking about chills,soar throat,nasty cough, clogged nose,going from hot to cold and being tired all the time .. ahhh!! its driving me crazy!! I finally went to the doctors after work yesterday [ by myself,since tony is in Jersey right now because his grandma is in the hospital :( prayers are appreciated.] and they ended up taking blood and  x-rays .. awkward .. after being there for a whole hour and 1/2 they diagnosed me with bronchitis,gave me prescriptions and sent me on my merry way!! .. I didn't feel up to going anywhere to get them filled last night so today after Leah's birthday party Kevin sent me to go get some things from wal-mart so i figured i would drop them off while shopping..After waiting a whole hour for them to get filled,i go to check out and guess how much they were... just guess!! ... eighty four dollars!!!!!!! ... yeah! ... so guess who has to get better without prescriptions?! ME .. :( .. 

The plus of my week so far could be that i started takin chantix to help me to stop smoking!! [: should be interesting!!

ahh i need to lay down .. <3