Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was sitting in school today going over exactly what i was going to write in this blog..mean,angry things that i would just vent out to the world and hopefully feel better. Today was not a good day. i almost got into an accident on my way to work(by like ONE inch seriously). almost passed out at work(pailness,cold sweating,the whole works) and had to deal with the typical,everyday crap .. not fun .. then i realized that i was not reacting in the way that i should have. I was being very angry and full of hate when really i should have been filled with love and forgiveness .. it been really hard for me to live by the fruit of the spirit because it can be so easy not to .. I just ask for prayer,seriously. I'm really struggling right now and i dont know what exactly is going on .. im really confused about a lot and dont know how to address it all to the right people .. I guess i just feel like IM in the wrong if i get upset over somebody else's actions or words when honestly they probably really offended me .. a lot of people just cant look over themselves to see that they might be really affecting other people .. its just really upsetting to have to deal with every single day and i dont know how much more i can take.

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