Saturday, March 7, 2009


 So a couple months ago i had this really bad cough that eventually went away!!! Until last week when it returned making me feel 10x worse than i had been .. I'm talking about chills,soar throat,nasty cough, clogged nose,going from hot to cold and being tired all the time .. ahhh!! its driving me crazy!! I finally went to the doctors after work yesterday [ by myself,since tony is in Jersey right now because his grandma is in the hospital :( prayers are appreciated.] and they ended up taking blood and  x-rays .. awkward .. after being there for a whole hour and 1/2 they diagnosed me with bronchitis,gave me prescriptions and sent me on my merry way!! .. I didn't feel up to going anywhere to get them filled last night so today after Leah's birthday party Kevin sent me to go get some things from wal-mart so i figured i would drop them off while shopping..After waiting a whole hour for them to get filled,i go to check out and guess how much they were... just guess!! ... eighty four dollars!!!!!!! ... yeah! ... so guess who has to get better without prescriptions?! ME .. :( .. 

The plus of my week so far could be that i started takin chantix to help me to stop smoking!! [: should be interesting!!

ahh i need to lay down .. <3


Bryan said...

Im sorry your sick but yay for quitting smoking i know you can do it Kiwi

Kayla Jo said...

hehe thanks brotherr [: .. i bought a pack friday and i finished it today!! yay! no more!!