Thursday, July 31, 2008


So last night was by far the funnest night of my summer..

I was at bethany's and we [bethany,eric,danielle&i] were watchin Crash. Then i needed to make a phone call so i go outside and its pouring the rain down. Danielle and Eric jump up and run outside and stand in it for a good 5 minutes. Then Bethany and i became interested in the fact of standing out in the rain,so we joined. It was soo much fun. The four of us just ran around,like little kids,giggling while running around aimlessly. We did this for a good 20 minutes. We got completely soaked but it was so worth it...

I know it sounds like something very childish to do but you only live once,so why not have fun doing it?! ... You should try it some time,its very exhilirating.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

for we cannot say enough,about you

I am praising god left and right these days [: everything is just going so well and im such a happier person !!!!

Tomorrow and this weekend are gonna be pretty much amazing.
Bethany,Nick,Brooke and I (& whoever else wishes to come) will be going to see Batman:The Dark Knight!! It will be the second time around for me [: haha then we will be headin over to iHop,so im ubber excited!!! Then Saturday is Rachel's party,and sunday we be goin to the beach [:

i love my life.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

summer nights

I practically live at Bethany's house. If im not at work,im there.  hmmm. 

I think last night will be a night i will never forget.

Bethany had a bunch of people over,The night started off pretty blahh because i had only had about 4 hours of sleep the night prior and had work at 7AM .. fun times. But once people started showin up,it turned out to be a really fun night. Everyone either left or went to bed around 1AM,except for Nick,Brooke and I. The 3 of us ended up laying on the couch(which i must say was very uncomfortable at times) just talking about anything and everything. Oh and playing truth or dare,which was hilarious.  Time flew and next thing we know,its 6AM and we all had to be up in 2 hours .. i remember looking at the clock at 6:30,then nothing after that,until 8:30 when bethany was waking everyone up and Eric of all people was sleeping next to me. Kinda scary. Nick and I were dragging the whole day at work though,it was so bad,but oh so worth it. The 3 of us really,really bonded last night,and i absolutely love it,i could not have asked for a better night.

i got other things to blog about but im too tired,my bed is calling my name since i only got 2 hours of sleep after stayin up 24 hours. 

bye lovesssssss

Friday, July 18, 2008

go figureee

i cease to amaze myself!

i some how ALWAYS find the ability to fall for the wrong guy

all the timeee!!!

what am i gonna do with myself...


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

mmm [:

i love my best friends !!!!!!!!
I'm having such a ridiculously amazing summer!! im actually getting tann!!! [: .. Last summer,i NEVER went to the beach,except for a couple times at night. It really broke my heart. This is the best summer i've had in a while. Yesterday was Def. one of the best days so far [: i went to the beach with bethany and eric,that was an adventure all in itself and just had a blast the whole day! It's really gonna suck when Eric leavess :'( !!! Anyway! Life is turning up! I talked to a counselor the other day from TCC and they have early childhood education as a major!!! yesss! [: and today,Pam and i talked to the Home Depot in VA Beach and all we have to do is send them my past 2 reviews and i'll be considered for a transfer!! Everything is really looking good! I'm beginning to really be able to let go of people .. Especially the ones where its up and down all the time .. Of course ill still be friends with them,things are just going to have to change,ya know? and im ok with that. I have God,and he's the only one i really need in my life. Friends&Family are blessing we recieve,and i couldnt be more thankful for what i have! I love my life,fully&completely,i wouldnt change a thing! i havent felt like this in a long time and i couldnt tell you how happy that truly makes meee!!! [: i'll possibly be posting picturess of all the many adventures i have with my bestt!
Now i have to go back to work .. bluckk

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Its amazing how much time can change things,or should i say, how things can change in such a short period of time. I've lost a lot of people in my life,So I'm obviously use to it by now. Some people are just friends that you lose contact with over a course of a few months or years but other times there's those very rare and special people that you lose. The feeling at times can be unbearable and you think you could never get over it. You have your good and your bad days but when it comes down to it you miss that person. A lot. So what do you do? There's not much you actually can do,all you can do is pray for god's guidance and reassurance that your actually going to be okay.( I cant believe I'm actually writing this blog right now. ) How do you honestly deal with losing someone so close though?,honestly! Someone who was this amazing friend. Someone that would be there for you,even at 3AM. Someone who gave you faith and hope in every situation. Someone who made you smile,unlike any other. Ok so the list goes on and on. But could someone honestly blame you for feeling the way you do? What's worse is feeling they don't share the pain with you. It makes you wonder if they finally realized everything you were saying from the beginning. So maybe you should have expected this,knowing sure well how you deal with things and may push people away. You just never expected it to actually happen this way and especially the pain that comes with it.

I'm Sorry...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Breathe in and Breathe out

So since i have to wait like an hour for miss Bethany to get here,i figured i would do something productive! [: Update tiiiime!!!

My Brother FINALLY said yes to me moving down to VA Beach!!! Chhyeahh! [: I'm really happy and ubber excited!! I know its not going to be the best living arrangement but oh well,i really feel that this is where God wants me [: I'm really gonna miss my friends down here though :( .. its definetly going to be hard leaving them behind :/ ... I have awesome plans!! I figure that its too late to register for fall classes so im going to have to wait till January to start up! In the mean time i'll hopefully get a job as a Teachers Aid !! Its gonna be really cool. [Funny thing is,a old friend i barely talk to now was the first one to know all this!! whyy? ... you tell me :/ LOVE!]

My Summers going really good. I'm spending a lot of time with my friends, Goin to the beach and what not. I have a feeling its only going to get better ;]

About a week ago i found out a girl i went to Middle School with got into a car accident and died on impact. I still get chills thinking about it! I had just been looking at her myspace maybe a couple days before then? Its amazing how fast life can be taken away from you. She was only 20 years old! and engaged. Her Fiance was actually following her when she got into the accident so you could only imagine how horrible that was for him :/ ..

This proves my whole point about life being too short for BS ... You gotta just live life,everyday,happily,with the people you want to live it with. You never know what may happen.

That is all for noww <3