Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Breathe in and Breathe out

So since i have to wait like an hour for miss Bethany to get here,i figured i would do something productive! [: Update tiiiime!!!

My Brother FINALLY said yes to me moving down to VA Beach!!! Chhyeahh! [: I'm really happy and ubber excited!! I know its not going to be the best living arrangement but oh well,i really feel that this is where God wants me [: I'm really gonna miss my friends down here though :( .. its definetly going to be hard leaving them behind :/ ... I have awesome plans!! I figure that its too late to register for fall classes so im going to have to wait till January to start up! In the mean time i'll hopefully get a job as a Teachers Aid !! Its gonna be really cool. [Funny thing is,a old friend i barely talk to now was the first one to know all this!! whyy? ... you tell me :/ LOVE!]

My Summers going really good. I'm spending a lot of time with my friends, Goin to the beach and what not. I have a feeling its only going to get better ;]

About a week ago i found out a girl i went to Middle School with got into a car accident and died on impact. I still get chills thinking about it! I had just been looking at her myspace maybe a couple days before then? Its amazing how fast life can be taken away from you. She was only 20 years old! and engaged. Her Fiance was actually following her when she got into the accident so you could only imagine how horrible that was for him :/ ..

This proves my whole point about life being too short for BS ... You gotta just live life,everyday,happily,with the people you want to live it with. You never know what may happen.

That is all for noww <3

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