Saturday, July 19, 2008

summer nights

I practically live at Bethany's house. If im not at work,im there.  hmmm. 

I think last night will be a night i will never forget.

Bethany had a bunch of people over,The night started off pretty blahh because i had only had about 4 hours of sleep the night prior and had work at 7AM .. fun times. But once people started showin up,it turned out to be a really fun night. Everyone either left or went to bed around 1AM,except for Nick,Brooke and I. The 3 of us ended up laying on the couch(which i must say was very uncomfortable at times) just talking about anything and everything. Oh and playing truth or dare,which was hilarious.  Time flew and next thing we know,its 6AM and we all had to be up in 2 hours .. i remember looking at the clock at 6:30,then nothing after that,until 8:30 when bethany was waking everyone up and Eric of all people was sleeping next to me. Kinda scary. Nick and I were dragging the whole day at work though,it was so bad,but oh so worth it. The 3 of us really,really bonded last night,and i absolutely love it,i could not have asked for a better night.

i got other things to blog about but im too tired,my bed is calling my name since i only got 2 hours of sleep after stayin up 24 hours. 

bye lovesssssss

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