Saturday, July 12, 2008


Its amazing how much time can change things,or should i say, how things can change in such a short period of time. I've lost a lot of people in my life,So I'm obviously use to it by now. Some people are just friends that you lose contact with over a course of a few months or years but other times there's those very rare and special people that you lose. The feeling at times can be unbearable and you think you could never get over it. You have your good and your bad days but when it comes down to it you miss that person. A lot. So what do you do? There's not much you actually can do,all you can do is pray for god's guidance and reassurance that your actually going to be okay.( I cant believe I'm actually writing this blog right now. ) How do you honestly deal with losing someone so close though?,honestly! Someone who was this amazing friend. Someone that would be there for you,even at 3AM. Someone who gave you faith and hope in every situation. Someone who made you smile,unlike any other. Ok so the list goes on and on. But could someone honestly blame you for feeling the way you do? What's worse is feeling they don't share the pain with you. It makes you wonder if they finally realized everything you were saying from the beginning. So maybe you should have expected this,knowing sure well how you deal with things and may push people away. You just never expected it to actually happen this way and especially the pain that comes with it.

I'm Sorry...

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