Tuesday, August 26, 2008

mmm [:

we live,we love
we forgive and never give up
cause the days we are givin are
gifts from above.
So today we remember 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So long sweet summer <3

How amazingly beautiful is it outside?!? ahh [: i love it .. I woke up this morning and i was actually cold. WOAH. Summer is pretty much over and it amazes me how fast the time flew and how much has changed. To think back to the beginning of summer is weird. Things were COMPLETELY different. I had never expected my summer to end this way.  Not that im not absolutely positively happy with it,because i am [: . I started off my summer with intentions to spend it with certain people but ended up barely seeing them. I even had someone i potentially could have started dating but now,i dont even talk to him anymore and sometimes,thats expected with those certain situations. ha-ha. I cant help but smile every time i think back on this summer. I met so many amazing people,REALLY bonded with people i never thought i would and have the greatest memories from the beach,Bethany's house,adventures to wally world,the movies,IHOP,Denny's,OC,Homers angels and even all of us just sitting around talking. I absolutely loved every minute of my Summer and i couldnt be more thankful for all my amazing friends. Now school is starting and everyone is going to begin to get really busy. It really sucks that i wont be able to spend as much time with them as i want to for the next 7 weeks but each and everyone of them will always be in my heart. Meeting them has made it really hard for me to face the fact that i am actually moving because these people have ended up meaning so much more than i ever thought  but  I believe we all share a very special bond that nothing,not even distance,can break. I'm almost positive that every time i actually do visit,that it will be a adventure and will be like things never,ever changed. I love my best friends and am looking forward to whatever life brings in the next month and a half  ^_^

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh,how i'm going to miss that joker!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

who blogs at 4AM?!?! ..... i do!

i guess this is what i get for sleeping like 15 hours LAST night :/

now i rant...

i can not for the life of me get IT(person,placeorthing,use your imagination cause i wont necessarily tell) out of my head !!!! why?!?! its driving me crazy!!! and honestly,it shouldnt be doing this to me. I hate it. I really do. I can not think of ONE reason,ok maybe one,but still,after that theres NO reason why i'm so distraught right now. Maybe distraught isnt the right word cause im not necessarily mopping around all the time. Its just there and i keep being reminded of it or something will POP in my head and i'll dwell on it!!! ughh i got it bad. really bad.

why me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It's a shame that it had to be this way. It's not enough to say I'm sorry. It's not enough to say I'm sorry. Maybe I'm to blame Or maybe were the same But either way I can't breathe,Either way I can't breathe.All I had to say is goodbye. Were better off this way,Were better off this way. I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive Cause everything we've been through And everything about you Seemed to be a lie, A guiltless twisted lie. It made me learn to hate you Or hate myself for letting it pass by. All I had to say is goodbye. Were better off this way,Were better off this way. And every, everything isn't only What it seemed. So hold these Words that you never told me. Its time to say goodbye,Its time to say goodbye. Goodbye. Take my hand away. Spell it out. Tell me I was wrong,Tell me I was wrong.
-Secondhand serenade


Monday, August 11, 2008


So the gang and i went to OC as planned and as always,had a complete blast.

At times i found myself in my own little world though. Seeing all the happy,smiling familys! It really brought me down a notch :/ .. I really miss how things use to be. We all use to do so much together now its a very rare occasion when we all get together. I honestly cant remember the last time my whole entire immediate family were in the same proximity as one another. :( I'm really praying things get better. What really killed me was seeing all these little girls with their daddy's. I really miss my dad. BUT i have made a step in the right direction when it comes to that! haha. I took off time in September and im FINALLY going to go visit him. I'm very excited because while i am there,i get to see a lot of other family members! including my Brother,Kyle!!!! :D !! Joyous dayyyy! haha. But yeah,Tony's going to be accompaning me during this mini-vaca and i couldnt be happier. I'm sure everyone is dying to see him just as much! :/ hmmm ...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

bite my tonguee

So i figured since i haven't updated in a while,i would! ahurrr! :]

I changed my moving date! It is now October 10! I figured i'll take a week off from work,Move in on the 11 and 12 then come back here for a couple days and say my goodbyes!!! eeekkk .. its coming so fast!  Summers already almost over,but its still the best summer ever,with an exception of some things but whatever. We still got a lot of plans. A friend of mine WAS going to move into the apartment for the next 2 months but has decided against it due to other things going on. Its kinda a reliever :/ ..  Anyway! This past week has got  ubber weird at times and i dont understand why. ha ha. Friendships were slipping but have now found steady ground. Thank God. I really thought i about lost a really good one. 

I have come to realization that i will never understand certain friends of mine. It hurts but thats the way it works i guess. Im just stuck at a crossroad right now,and I'm not quit sure which direction to take. BOTH could end up in heartbreak  but i feel that my life will probably get A LOT easier if i take the hard way out. Doesn't make much sense,i know but you'd understand if you knew.

So this Friday night me and my best are all rollin to OC for some mini-golfing and dinner. I'm very excited. I've spent so much time with all of them this summer which is going to make the move even harder. :( I've met so many great people. argh. Saddens me deeply. Eric left saturday[!!!],which sucks and is ubber weird. Its sad,but hopefully this mini-trip to PA will work out so we can go see him before i move!!

I gotta start getting ready for work,again. I went in at 7AM and left around 2:30 cause nick practically begged me to close tonight. hmmm

lata lovess