Thursday, August 21, 2008

So long sweet summer <3

How amazingly beautiful is it outside?!? ahh [: i love it .. I woke up this morning and i was actually cold. WOAH. Summer is pretty much over and it amazes me how fast the time flew and how much has changed. To think back to the beginning of summer is weird. Things were COMPLETELY different. I had never expected my summer to end this way.  Not that im not absolutely positively happy with it,because i am [: . I started off my summer with intentions to spend it with certain people but ended up barely seeing them. I even had someone i potentially could have started dating but now,i dont even talk to him anymore and sometimes,thats expected with those certain situations. ha-ha. I cant help but smile every time i think back on this summer. I met so many amazing people,REALLY bonded with people i never thought i would and have the greatest memories from the beach,Bethany's house,adventures to wally world,the movies,IHOP,Denny's,OC,Homers angels and even all of us just sitting around talking. I absolutely loved every minute of my Summer and i couldnt be more thankful for all my amazing friends. Now school is starting and everyone is going to begin to get really busy. It really sucks that i wont be able to spend as much time with them as i want to for the next 7 weeks but each and everyone of them will always be in my heart. Meeting them has made it really hard for me to face the fact that i am actually moving because these people have ended up meaning so much more than i ever thought  but  I believe we all share a very special bond that nothing,not even distance,can break. I'm almost positive that every time i actually do visit,that it will be a adventure and will be like things never,ever changed. I love my best friends and am looking forward to whatever life brings in the next month and a half  ^_^

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